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I Am Love
Connecting One to Home Through Food: Food carries with it memories. In the film "I am Love" food serves to preserve ties to one’s identity

I Am Love
The First Taste: Revealing Desire and Identity in I Am Love, by Lan Vy Phan

I Love You, Man
Communion and A Search for Friends – The success of Peter's search for a best man, is reflected in the success of having meals together.

Fast Food, Globalization, and the Decline of Human Intellect – After a 500 year cryogenic sleep, Joe finds himself in a 'fast food' dystopia

In the Mood for Love
Food as Concealment and Intimacy, not Love – In bustling Hong Kong, two people come together because of their spouses' affair with the other

Inglorious Basterds
Wait for the Cream: Food as a Vehicle for Power and Intimidation – Quentin Tarantino uses food to define characters and crucial moments

Hunter-Gatherers in Space – Humanity has to leave Earth afind a new home, due to the famine caused by a blight on farming.

It's Complicated
Food as a Representation of Freedom – A divorced mother starts her own bakery/food shop, and finds new independence and wholeness.
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